Working with you to create a healthier, happier Doncaster.

Well Doncaster is a community based movement, enabling improvement and access to help to you as a resident or organisation of Doncaster.

Working with you to create a healthier, happier Doncaster.

Well Doncaster is a community-led and evidence-based health and wellbeing approach offering the support, connections, and inspiration you need to make a difference — because we know change won’t happen without you.

We’re here to reduce health inequalities.

Everything about a place affects the health of the people who live there — from household income and job opportunities to schools, parks, and community spaces. When those things aren’t as good as the national average, the people who live there are likely to be less healthy and happy than those living elsewhere in the UK. That’s what we mean by health inequality.

All of us should have access to the services, spaces, and support we need to thrive — no matter where we live, and no matter what our circumstances. And at Well Doncaster, we believe that when we all work together to make change, health inequality doesn’t stand a chance.

We empower you to make a difference. 

Since 2015, we’ve worked in and with the communities of Doncaster to listen to everyone’s lived experiences and get to know each community’s strengths — because we know that people are the heart of everything. 

We ask our communities to tell us what they need, empower them to enact the change they’d like to see, and follow their lead. After all, it’s your ideas that are going to change our city for the better, so we don’t tell you what to do or how to make it happen. Instead, we’re here to listen and work with you to turn your ideas and strengths into action, providing the support, connections, and inspiration you need to shape the health and wellbeing of our city.

We build on our city’s strengths.  

Our approach is asset based. In other words, we encourage people to notice the good in their community and build on their strengths, rather than just focusing on the weaknesses — because if you want something to last, you build on strong, sturdy foundations. When we do that, we’re able to make realistic plans that lead to positive and lasting changes — and in the process, we all see that while there are things we might like to improve, there’s a whole lot to celebrate too.

What happens when, together, we get it right?

By listening to, learning from, and working with our communities in these ways, we hope to:

Improve health & wellbeing

Kickstart community-led regeneration

Support your dreams & ideas

“Well Doncaster acts as a ‘lightning rod’ and a catalyst for action, encouraging people to reconnect with what keeps them healthy — whether that’s volunteering, getting into work, or unleashing their creative talents.”
Dr Rupert Suckling, Director of Public Health