Dylan Malloy-Kid

Job Title: Well Doncaster Intern

Email: dylan.malloy-kid@doncaster.gov.uk

I joined this fabulous team in September 2024, I am enjoying every second of it. It is astonishing to be part of this community. I go to a Sixth From called Stone Hill. I work in the team 10 hours a week, on a Wednesday and Thursday. I am also into performing arts, I love acting and singing. I want to be rich so my kids and grandkids don’t have to worry about school and college.

I am a Choose Kindness Ambassador for City of Doncaster Council. For this I try to spread kindness where ever I go and support others to be kind to each other in the words we use, our body language and the way we treat others. I also love myself and thinks its important for others to love themselves too. There is only one 'you'!


Fun fact: I am funny.

What people appreciate about me: I am kind.

What is important to me: Spending time with my family and hugging my mum.

The thing I enjoy best about being part of well Doncaster is: Helping people.