Emma Lovett-Jones 

Phone Number: 01302 737585

Email address:  emma.lovett-jones@Doncaster.gov.uk

My career to date has been spent working in Welfare, Health, Education, and Social Care.  I have experience of working in both the voluntary and statutory sectors, as well as for the National Health Service.  I have a personal interest in Mental Health support and provision, and this is something I feel passionately about.  

I have lived in worked in several towns in England, three of which are classed as having some of the most deprived wards in the country so I have seen first-hand how deprivation can affect children, how poor housing can contribute to premature death in the most vulnerable members of society, and how people who are socially isolated can be adversely affected by their situation.  One of the things I have quickly learned since moving to Doncaster is the strength within communities; this was evident during the floods of 2018, and throughout the Covid 19 Pandemic.  The people of Doncaster are resilient and seem to welcome the positive changes that are happening within their communities.

Whilst working in the Well Doncaster Team, initially as a Health and Wellbeing Coach and now working within the Community Wealth Builder Team, I have been a part of the Appreciate Inquiry which helps to highlight the many positive aspects of Doncaster’s communities, whilst also studying the health data which helps us to see where additional support may really benefit specific communities.  I really enjoy the work that the Well Doncaster team focuses on, as I see it helping to bridge the gaps in service provision at a local level within the City.  

Fun fact: I do not like the sensation of a sponge on my fingernails.

What people appreciate about me: My calm nature and my naughty sense of humour.

What is important to me: Other than the obvious ones like my family, the Sea is also massively important to me, and my best times are spent at the coast.