Emma Nicholas-Hernandez

Job Title: Public Health Improvement Coordinator

Tel: 01302 737779

Email: emma.nicholas-hernandez@doncaster.gov.uk

I’ve been working in public health for eight years and have been part of Well Doncaster since it first began. I have been involved in the planning and implementation of the approach as we have scaled from one community in Denaby Main to pan Doncaster. I am passionate about the role communities have in reducing health and wealth inequalities. I firmly believe that if we look at what keeps us well, listen to and work with residents and build on the strengths of each person and community, we will see better health outcome for all and stronger, more resilient communities. 

My role is varied and includes embedding community centred approaches in all we do. From leading Be Well Doncaster, to supporting a network of Community Connectors, to coordinating boroughwide community conversations, to being the public health lead for financial inclusion. Every day is different, and it is rewarding to influence change at an individual, community and organisational level. 

Before working in Public Health, I supported adults and young people with learning disabilities in school and social enterprise settings, I have a degree in furniture design and love art and design and a master’s in Public Health. I feel lucky to have found the area of work of work of which I am passionate about, where I get to make a real difference in the lives of residents across Doncaster and be part of a team that is dedicated to creating positive change for all. 

Fun fact: My husband is from Mexico, and he speaks fantastic English and I speak terrible Spanish, so I am trying to learn Spanish- wish me luck! 

What people appreciate about me: I try to be as supportive and helpful as possible. I have been in the team since Well Doncaster started in 2015 and am able to remember and share information from the past to help current and future work. 

What is important to me: I am passionate about reducing inequalities and believe everyone has the right to live a long, healthy, and happy life. Its great being part of team who share the same passion. 

The thing I enjoy best about being part of Well Doncaster: I love influencing change that puts communities at the centre of all we do and seeing the real-life difference the work we do has on the lives of residents, families, and communities across Doncaster.