Hannah McWilliams

Job Title: Public Health Improvement Officer

Localities: North & Central

Phone Number: 01302 736748 

Email address: Hannah.mcwilliams@doncaster.gov.uk

I first joined Doncaster Council in April 2019 as a Stronger Communities Officer working in the Central communities’ team as part of the Support Education and Engagement project (SEEP). I was fresh out of Sheffield Hallam University where I had just completed an undergraduate degree in BSc Sport and Exercise Science and a masters in MSc Nutrition and Public Health Management. My masters degree also allowed me to register as a Registered Associate Nutritionist (AfN). 

I stayed in Doncaster Council and joined the Well Doncaster team in February 2020, two weeks prior to the national lockdown! In my time within the Well Doncaster team, I have had various roles. I initially started as a Public Health Officer working in the Central and South localities supporting the community through the pandemic as they offered vital support to residents. I then moved on to put my nutrition knowledge and qualifications to the test and led on the Be Well, Cook Well food education course and supported the Tier 2 Weight Management programme alongside DBTH. This role was a secondment for 8 months and where I designed and delivered cook and eat sessions in community settings. I am now a Public Health Improvement Officer in the team and support the work in North and Central Doncaster. 

Fun fact: I am originally from London and moved up to Sheffield in 2014 for university where I have stayed ever since!  I probably spend most of my time in Doncaster here than I do Sheffield. I am a massive football fan and currently play for Doncaster Belles where a lot of my evenings and weekends are spent commuting. 

What people appreciate about me: My organisational skills and I can almost always remember where a folder is saved in our online files!

What is important to me: Spending time with my friends and family and being able to get out and about in the local countryside with my three dogs Pippa, Benji, and Charlie! I really value downtime and being able to switch off and relax is important. 

The thing I enjoy best about being part of Well Doncaster: Being part of a friendly and sociable team and our lunchtime walks around Bentley Park when the weather is nice!