Kelly Watson

Job Title: Public Health Officer- Community Development

Locality: North Doncaster

Tel: 07816248346


I am currently in the third year of my BA (Hons) Social Science degree at the UCNL, Scunthorpe. This has enhanced my knowledge on criminology, social, health and criminological policies that affect my communities and myself.  I am a member of a Mining Heritage Trust and a Community Heritage Association and my passion for communities also led me to becoming a local parish councillor in the East of Doncaster. This gives me knowledge on key things that impact communities such as planning, community assets and a community's heritage.  

My role as a Public Health Officer allows me to use my knowledge and experience whilst also strengthening my ability to support communities around funding opportunities, governance of groups and writing funding applications. I have learned the the importance of social connections and positive change. I am passionate about the values of Well Doncaster which works to give the people in communities a platform to have their voice at the forefront of designing and shaping their communities. 

I have lived in Doncaster all my live and am a proud Mam to 3 children. I have a passion for the people of my City and the values, language, norms and behaviours of each community. I see how proud people are of their communities and how everyone deserves the very best opportunities in education, employment and health. I love working in the Well Doncaster Team it brings me purpose and it feels good to help others take ownership and shape their own communities.

Fun fact: I am a member of Hatfield Main Colliery Heritage Trust which is in the East of Doncaster. As part of an old mining culture, I recognise how important solidarity, traditions and principals are to people and fully support those of other communities and cultures. We join other communities and cultures across the UK by supporting their cause in person with our Colliery banner, supporting communities and joining remembrance memorials as an act of solidarity.

What people appreciate about me: People appreciate that I am down to earth, honest and kind. I’m always willing to help without judgement or reward.

What is important to me: My health and well-being, my family and my community are very important to me. Living by my values and principles is also very important to me and the way that I live my life.  

The thing I enjoy best about being part of Well Doncaster: I love working for Well Doncaster for many reasons, the first being that whole team is kind, supportive and inclusive. I love the Well Doncaster approach and how that it puts the residents voice and views at the heart of the work. It lends a platform to the whole of Doncaster so that residents can be involved in shaping their community, giving people opportunities to become part of the solution to making a happier, healthier community for all. Well Doncaster gives people a chance, it creates life opportunities for real people from all background through investment, support, training and knowledge.