Megan Green 

Job Title: Public Health Officer-Community Development 

Phone Number: 07890069700

Email address: 

Locality: East 

I work in the East of Doncaster working within the community to make positive changes led by the resident’s voice. I am part of Shaping Stainforth which is working with the community in Stainforth to improve the community for future generations. As a Stainforth resident and single mum of one, I am passionate about my community and working together to make positive changes is really important to me as this is my child’s home and where he will grow up. 

Prior to joining the team, I worked in the Voluntary Community and Faith Sector, supporting individuals who suffer with low confidence and self-esteem to help them lead a happier and healthier life. I found this role really fulfilling and I found supporting others through difficult stages of their lives helped my own mental health.  This role helped open my eyes to the passion and community spirit Doncaster has throughout its localities. I had no choice but to get involved.

In 2024 I will start a degree in criminology and psychology and have a strong interest in rehabilitation of long-term offenders and helping them transition back into the community. I spend most of my spare time with my son, you will usually find us at a farm or a play centre where he certainly helps me get my daily steps in. Our favourite night of the week is Boys night, where we spend the evening eating snacks and playing games. 

Fun fact: I can horse ride  

What people appreciate about me: I am probably the least judgmental person you will come across.

What is important to me: Family, my mum and my son are my best friends. 

The thing I enjoy best about being part of Well Doncaster: Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. Every day is different.