Ivana Straska

Job Title: Public Health Officer- Health and Wellbeing Coach 

Tel: 01302 736779 Mob: Mobile: 07977 295 437

Email: ivana.straska@doncaster.gov.uk

Locality: South 

I have been working with Well Doncaster since April 2022 as a Health & Wellbeing Coach. I have completed training in Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine & Health Coach Level 3. Throughout this work I have been supporting people of Doncaster to make changes in their lifestyle, and the way they feel more empowered and in control. I have been working within City of Doncaster Council since 2019 in different services and utilise my vast experience and knowledge in psychotherapeutic intervention and prevention.  

Before I moved to Doncaster, I worked as a supervised Mental Health Counsellor in Toronto, Ontario. In Canada, I have maintained my registration with the Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals since 2008. I have harvested my knowledge and developed and delivered a resilience & stress management programme during the years 2018-19. It linked to my two small self-help books published in the year 2017. They were developed as my response to a gap of knowledge adults could have in maintaining their wellbeing. Prior to working in mental health, I had been a Behavioural Therapist helping families with children & youth diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Before I completed my postgraduate education, I worked as a store manager & educational project manager in banking.  

My academic backgrounds stem from education & behavioural science. I have a Master’s degree in Adult Education, postgraduate studies in Autism & Behavioural Science. Since then I have finished several courses and studies to support my development. My first training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at the University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education set a course of my further focus on behavioural modification and mental health. I finished courses in CBT for complex conditions, cognitive processing for trauma, motivational interviewing & psychometrics. 

My work philosophy builds on human potential and their ability to see an issue from a different perspective. Helping them to find their own resources and build on positivity and strength.  

Fun fact: I was a fully licenced driver before I was 17 years old. 

What people appreciate about me: My loyalty and optimism.  

What is important to me: To be sure that I have a positive impact on others and the environment. To make things better.  

The thing I enjoy best about being a Health Coach: Knowing that I can help people to get closer to their best. Seeing their development and being part of their change.